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Foster Botanical Garden Survey


The Dana Anne Yee Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, has been fast on the trail for the Early Detection of Invasive Insect Species and what better place to detect for invasive insect plant eating species than at our own special Foster Botanical Garden! It is a “Super Market” for food for invasive insect species with its close proximity to the Honolulu Harbor and flight paths to the Honolulu International Airport. In Hawai‘i invasive alien insects are already causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage annually, so there is an urgency for early detection. Each year approximately two dozen new adventive species establish themselves in Hawai‘i, some of these may be detrimental to our native species and to our economic well-being.

On, February 10, 2017, our foundation started a one-year survey in our treasured Foster Botanical Garden. Through the funding for materials and supplies from the City and County of Honolulu and the Dana Anne Yee Foundation’s Board of Director’s donation of time, labor, and expertise, we are able to conduct this survey by setting up three trapping sites within the gardens. We are working together with Michele Nekota / Director, City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation, Stanley Oka / Administrator, Division of Urban Forestry, Joshlyn Sand / Director, Derrick Miyasaki / Acting Director, and Justin Richard / Supervisor.

Entomologist, William D. Perreira, with his remarkable expertise in his field, is generously volunteering his time, labor, and expertise to survey, trap, and identify invasive insect species and other non-harmful and beneficiary insect newcomers to the State of Hawai‘i at these three trapping sites in Foster Garden.

Our foundation’s goal is to keep our Hawai‘i Green. Our Foster Botanical Garden’s Early Detection of Invasive Insect Species Program will help to preserve and to protect our prized and treasured Botanical Gardens.

Please contact Dana Anne Yee for further information or you may visit our website at for additional information and support. Thank you.


Contributors to the project: City and County of Honolulu – Materials and Supplies Michele Nekota / Director, City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation, Stanley Oka / Administrator, Division of Urban Forestry, Joshlyn Sand / Director Foster Botanical Garden, Derrick Miyasaki / Acting Director Justin Richard / Supervisor. Dana Anne Yee Foundation’s Board of Directors – Volunteers, Time, Labor, and Expertise Peter Thompson, Nancy Miller, Lillian Rodolfich, Stephan Doi. Entomologist – Volunteer, Time, Labor, and Expertise William D. Perreira.

Photos: Yellow Sticky Trap in Wire Cage by Dana Anne Yee, FASLA Pitfall Trap with solution by Dana Anne Yee, FASLA

Dana Anne Yee, FASLA, ISA CA, LEED AP Dana Anne Yee, Landscape Architect, LLC Dana Anne Yee Foundation / Email:



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